September 18, 2012

  • As summer has mostly come and gone, we've been spending more time indoors.

    For my kiddos, that means more baking.

    Lately, we've had cupcakes twice, turnovers once, carrot cake and some cookies too.

    Seems like every time I walk in the kitchen there is something tempting me!!! 


    Aaron and Nikki haven't started classes yet.  Next week!

    But, it seems like most everyone's schedule is picking back up.

    Nikki is working in the bookstore on campus.  And they've been busy with inventory and then book sales.

    Nat just recently got a new job.  We are so happy for her.  She will be teaching preschool at the Early Learning Center on campus.

    She has great hours.  8:30 am - 4:30 pm and half-day on Friday.

    There are two teachers in the class. Such an exciting time for her!!!!

    Aaron has started back up to work.  He also works on campus.  In the tool crib for the auto/diesel departments.

    They are moving to a huge brand new building. So, they've been busy getting everything from one building to the next

    before classes start.  They are supposed to have an open house this Friday so everyone can see the new building.  Hope they get it all done!

    Jake is still doing what he does.  Work all night. Sleep all day.  It works for him.  He's really trying to save some $$$ so he can get a car.


    The younger 3 girls and I have been getting plenty of schooling done. 

    We have a pretty good groove going and it's nice to be back into some sort of routine.

    Though it is a very relaxed one:


    5 -7am:  Mom is up (sometimes I wish I could sleep-in, but I do enjoy having the quiet time before anyone is up.  I can usually get my devotion done, listen to some Christian music, just enjoy the quiet house.)

    Girls sleep til they wake up.  (I really just believe they need to listen to their body-clocks and if they are still sleeping, then they must need the extra snooze.  I think it helps keep them healthy and fight off sickness better.)  Thankfully, we don't have anyplace to be in the mornings and they are able to do this.  

    Alli is usually up...somewhere between 8 and 9 am.

    Abby next....between 9 and 10 am.

    And of course, Miss TeenAger Rosie can usually do some serious sleeping-in, though I have noticed her waking a bit earlier lately.

    They don't move very fast in the morning either.  A bit of laying around, some breakfast and then chores.

    The older kids tease them, because I'm so much more laid-back then I ever was with them. But, I guess as we get older, we relax a bit

    in our parenting ways.


    We've just recently had to re-adjust chores. With the older kiddos being gone more now, it's time for the younger girls to step up a bit.

    After chores, we start schoolwork.  

    Take a break for lunch.

    Finish whatever schoolwork is left.

    Free time.  Usually some tv time (though we've been limiting this quite a bit.), some computer time....lately, baking time...playing outside, craft time...whatever they choose.

    After supper, it's time for showers, some tv (if there is anything on), devotion, and quiet reading.

    Lights out at 11pm.


    I've got some pics to post, but when I uploaded them, they were huge!!! So gonna have to go back and re-size them, then post them.

    Back Later!

Comments (2)

  • everyone sounds so productive! thats great! i used to let the kids get up on their own too.  they only got up early if they had plans for the afternoon that didn't include schoolwork.  i also enjoyed the time to myself early in the day to do my bible study and exercise.  enjoy all the bustle because eventually your house will be quiet all day, like mine is now :( --but you have a long time still ahead of you. hope you have a great day--karen

  • The big kids always say I'm much more lenient with the little girls too. However, I usually don't have to say anything to them, b/c someone else always is.

    I wish I could get some of my big kids to get jobs.... *sigh* 
    I can't remember... how old is your #5? I know all of your kids are close to the same ages as mine, but details escape me.

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